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Isla Mujeres Cemetary and link to Places

6100 Whitman

Chichen Itza

Isla Mujeres Beach

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Lake Michigan Shoreline I

Lake Michigan Shoreline II

Deer Creek Shoreline

California Shoreline

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Sequoia 1

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Sequoia 4

Venice Beach

Tallinn, Estonia

Middle Bass Island

Lime Lake 1

Alice Belle and link to People home

Peter Ian Ransom

Craig Henry Ransom

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My People

On the pages you can reach through the links below, you'll see selected pictures of people I love and care about. I'll include more pictures as I process them, and descriptions in sections below as I have time.

Peter Ian Ransom

My lovely firstborn, he's a quintessential people person. He loves to be around them, and supports them so they stay.

Craig Henry Ransom

The baby, and like me (another baby) happy within himself.